The conference will cover novel technical developments, and offer tutorial viewpoints on topics related to telecommunications and power electronics, but not limited to:
Topic 1: Telecommunications
- Channel Coding and Iterative Receiver Techniques
- Space-Time Coding and MIMO Techniques
- Cooperative and Cognitive Radio Communications
- Wireless Positioning and Vehicular Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- Quantum Coding for Communications
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Security and Trust
- Networking for Mmultimedia Communications
Topic 2: Power Electronics
- Power System State Estimation
- Modelling and Simulation in Power Electronics
- Visualization of Power System Operation
- Fault Identification in Transmission and Distribution Networks
- DC-DC Converters
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Motion Control
- Electric Motor Drives
- Nonlinear Systems and Control
- Renewable Energy Power Systems